EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Neither I nor DiveRecorder is a legal entity engaging in economic activity so the GDPR does not apply. However, you may wish to know what 'personal' data is held in the various DiveRecorder databases, how it can be 'corrected' and with whom it may be shared.
What data is collected and held?
In general DiveRecorder uses and stores only the minimum personal data required for the proper conduct of diving competitions. The details are as follows.- Divers: Name, Gender, Year of Birth, Federation registration number if any, Team name and Name of Trainer.
- Trainers: Name.
- Judges or Referees: Name and Team or Nation
- Meet organisers: E-mail address
Correction of errors
Divers: Errors can be avoided or corrected at several points.- The primary source of personal data is the dive sheet. Taking a little care when preparing a dive sheet will avoid most data errors.
- When signing a dive sheet, be sure to check the personal details shown and ask the Secretariat to make any corrections.
- If errors make it all the way to the DiveRecorder website's Meet Explorer you should navigate to the Meet Explorer page, select Explore by Diver then Find your name. From there you can use the link below the red text to contact me and explain what needs to be corrected. Note that in some cases I may need to confirm your identity by contacting your Club before making the correction.
Officials: In the unlikely event that officials wish to see their data and request corrections, the easiest way is to email me using the link on the right.
With whom is your data shared?
The email address of a person submitting a dive sheet is passed to the Meet Secretariat. Otherwise the data is only available to others in the form of Result listings which include a diver's name, team and year of birth.